Crackme 11: ELF, Random
Link: (binary) This crackme is significantly more complex than the previous ones:

A quick look shows a protection against debuggers using ptrace(0,0,1,0) < 0
. Let’s start by breaking it so that we can make progress:
mov dword [esp+0x10124+var_10118], 0x0 ; CODE XREF=main+517
mov dword [esp+0x10124+var_1011C], 0x1
mov dword [esp+0x10124+var_10120], 0x0
mov dword [esp+0x10124+var_10124], 0x0 ; argument "__request" for method j_ptrace
call j_ptrace ; ptrace
test eax, eax
jns loc_8048b2c
We change the JNS
(0x79) into a JMP
(0xEB) and save the binary. We can now debug it:
Reading symbols from ./Crackme.dbg...done.
gdb$ r
Starting program: ./Crackme.dbg
** Bienvenue dans ce challenge de cracking **
[+] Password :hello
[!]Access Denied !
[-] Try again
[Inferior 1 (process 27) exited with code 0377]
With this new binary, let’s take a look at the initial setup in loc_80488f3
. There’s first a memset
of 0xffff bytes to zero, then a call to time(0)
(the current time), the result of which is passed to srand
. We then call getpid
and store it in ebp
- 0x100a0:
lea edx, dword [ebp-0x1007b] ; CODE XREF=main+79
mov eax, 0xffff
mov dword [esp+0x10120+var_10118], eax ; argument "__n" for method j_memset
mov dword [esp+0x10120+var_1011C], 0x0 ; argument "__c" for method j_memset
mov dword [esp+0x10120+var_10120], edx ; argument "__s" for method j_memset
call j_memset ; memset
mov dword [ebp-0x1009c], 0x0
mov dword [esp+0x10120+var_10120], 0x0 ; argument "__timer" for method j_time
call j_time ; time
mov dword [esp+0x10120+var_10120], eax ; argument "__seed" for method j_srand
call j_srand ; srand
call j_getpid ; getpid
mov dword [ebp-0x100a0], eax
call j_rand ; rand
The return value of rand
is used in a series of numeric calculations, some involving floating-point arithmetic. It’s pretty complex so let’s not get into it in details. This is followed by a call to sprintf
that builds a string with the pattern “%lld%s”, with a reference to “_VQLGE_TQPTYD_KJTIV_”. Let’s run through it a couple of times, and see what comes out of sprintf
$ ltrace ./Crackme.dbg 2>&1 | grep sprintf
sprintf("5884452_VQLGE_TQPTYD_KJTIV_", "%lld%s", 5884452, nil) = 27
$ ltrace ./Crackme.dbg 2>&1 | grep sprintf
sprintf("2008856_VQLGE_TQPTYD_KJTIV_", "%lld%s", 2008856, nil) = 27
$ ltrace ./Crackme.dbg 2>&1 | grep sprintf
sprintf("653161_VQLGE_TQPTYD_KJTIV_", "%lld%s", 653161, nil) = 26
As these examples show, the random value is eventually transformed into an integer that gets prepended to “_VQLGE_TQPTYD_KJTIV_”. This is followed by a call to malloc(0xffff)
, and then malloc(0x15)
. We strcmp
the formatted string with our input and store the result in ebp
-0x7c before storing their respective lengths in two other local variables:
lea eax, dword [ebp-0x1007b] ; CODE XREF=sub_8048b20+100
mov dword [esp+0x10124+var_10120], eax ; argument "__s2" for method j_strcmp
lea eax, dword [ebp-0x7c]
mov dword [esp+0x10124+var_10124], eax ; argument "__s1" for method j_strcmp
call j_strcmp ; strcmp
mov dword [ebp-0x10080], eax
lea eax, dword [ebp-0x7c]
mov dword [esp+0x10124+var_10124], eax ; argument "__s" for method j_strlen
call j_strlen ; strlen
mov dword [ebp-0x10088], eax
lea eax, dword [ebp-0x1007b]
mov dword [esp+0x10124+var_10124], eax ; argument "__s" for method j_strlen
call j_strlen ; strlen
mov dword [ebp-0x10084], eax
If the two lengths are different, we jump to an error message:
mov eax, dword [ebp-0x10088]
cmp eax, dword [ebp-0x10084]
je loc_8048c50 ; Access Denied...
If the result of strcmp
was less than or equal to zero, we also jump to a failure message (see reference to $ebp
-0x10080 above):
cmp dword [ebp-0x10080], 0x0 ; CODE XREF=sub_8048b20+250
jle loc_8048c8d ; Access denied
Following these branches, we notice that the strcmp
needs to have returned zero, and that the lengths need to match as well (this check is redundant):
mov eax, dword [ebp-0x10088]
cmp eax, dword [ebp-0x10084]
jne loc_8048ded
To crack tis program, we’ll need to predict the value of this random string, or make it predictable. We can patch the binary again, removing the call to rand()
and replacing its value with zero. Here is the call instruction and the offset of the next one:
0804893b call j_rand ; rand
08048940 mov ecx, eax
We have 5 bytes between the two. We can insert xor eax, eax
which is [0x31, 0xc0] and add 3 NOPs [0x90, 0x90, 0x90]. We now have, with addresses:
0804893b xor eax, eax
0804893d nop
0804893e nop
0804893f nop
08048940 mov ecx, eax
We need to do the same to getpid
and return zero there too. Instead of:
08048930 call j_getpid ; getpid
08048935 mov dword [ebp-0x100a0], eax
We’ll edit 08048930 and replace 5 bytes there too. Here’s the hex view:
Let’s save the binary again and try it a few times under ltrace
$ ltrace ./Crackme.norand 2>&1 | grep sprintf
sprintf("0_VQLGE_TQPTYD_KJTIV_", "%lld%s", 0, nil) = 21
$/# ltrace ./Crackme.norand 2>&1 | grep sprintf
sprintf("0_VQLGE_TQPTYD_KJTIV_", "%lld%s", 0, nil) = 21
$ ltrace ./Crackme.norand 2>&1 | grep sprintf
sprintf("0_VQLGE_TQPTYD_KJTIV_", "%lld%s", 0, nil) = 21
Our string is now predictable, and we can provide the same value as input:
$ ./Crackme.norand
** Bienvenue dans ce challenge de cracking **
[+] Password :0_VQLGE_TQPTYD_KJTIV_
[+]Good password
[+] Clee de validation du crack-me : _VQLG1160_VTEPI_AVTG_3093_